How to Hire Article Writers

Identify Your Needs

Figure out the type of content you need, such as blog posts, technical articles, or social media content. Define the scope of work, including the tone, style, and length of articles. Outline your goals for each piece of writing.

Understand what kind of writer suits your needs. If you're dealing with technical jargon, look for writers with a relevant background who can handle intricate details without making the text feel too complex.

Define the style and tone. Consider whether you want a conversational or formal tone, as this influences how well the content resonates with your audience.

Determine the desired length of articles, as this affects timelines and costs. Some projects require brevity, while others call for extensive research.

Outline clear goals, such as increased website traffic, better SEO rankings, or informing your audience about a complicated subject. This guides the writer and improves the chances of hitting your target.

Create a detailed content brief that encapsulates all this information, reducing back-and-forth and ensuring the job gets done right the first time.

By defining your needs and having a clear plan, hiring a writer becomes more efficient, ensuring you get exactly what you want without wasting time or resources.

Create a Job Post

Start with an engaging introduction that briefly describes your project and what you're looking for. Mention if the project is part of a larger series or a one-time gig.

Clearly outline your expectations, specifying the type of content needed and what each piece should achieve, such as boosting SEO or generating leads. State any particular style or tone requirements.

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Outline desired qualifications and experience, such as:

  • Industry-specific expertise
  • Strong grasp of SEO best practices
  • Proficiency in certain tools or platforms like WordPress or Google Analytics
  • Preferred experience levels, whether you're looking for a beginner, an intermediate, or a seasoned professional

Specify the expected length and depth of articles, whether they should be short and concise or more comprehensive with research.

Include budget details, whether you're paying per word, per hour, or per project. Transparency about pay can save time in negotiations.

Set clear deadlines to ensure the writer knows what to expect. Explain any flexibility you might offer—or lack thereof.

Explain the application process, detailing what candidates need to submit and how to apply.

Crafting a precise job post attracts the right applications, filtering out unsuitable candidates and streamlining the hiring process.

Shortlist and Interview Writers

After creating a compelling job post, review the proposals and identify potential candidates who align with your requirements.

Sift through proposals to create a shortlist of candidates whose portfolios demonstrate they can handle your project's tone, style, and subject matter.

Scrutinize reviews or ratings on platforms like Upwork or ProBlogger. Past client feedback highlights the quality of work and the writer's reliability and professionalism.

Conduct interviews to gauge enthusiasm, assess communication skills, and get a sense of professionalism. Ask about their background, experience, and familiarity with your industry.

Discuss their approach to meeting deadlines and maintaining quality. Time management and reliability are just as important as writing skills.

Inquire about their research methods and how they incorporate SEO strategies if applicable.

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Understand their revision policy and how they handle feedback and constructive criticism.

Evaluate their communication skills. Effective communication can save time and ensure the project stays on track.

Discuss their availability and preferred working hours, especially if dealing with different time zones, to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Thoroughly vetting candidates increases the likelihood of a successful collaboration and sets the foundation for high-quality content that meets your objectives.

Two people, a client and a potential freelance writer, having a video call interview, with the writer's portfolio and resume visible on the screen.

Assess Writing Quality

  1. Check for grammatical accuracy in the writing samples. Error-free content is essential for maintaining credibility.
  2. Ensure the writing samples align with your brand's tone and voice. Inconsistency can puzzle your audience and cause a disconnect.
  3. Look for engagement in their writing. Good writers know how to hook the reader from the start and maintain a narrative flow.
  4. Assess the originality of their work. Unique takes and fresh perspectives make articles stand out in a saturated market.
  5. Ensure the accuracy of presented information. Fact-checking is crucial, particularly for technical or specialized content.
  6. Consider the ability to compel and persuade through writing, especially if your goal is to convert readers into customers.

By rigorously assessing writing quality, you can make an informed decision and secure a writer who consistently delivers high-quality content that aligns with your brand's objectives.

Finalize the Contract

Outline the project's terms in detail, including the scope of work, deadlines, payment schedules, and specific deliverables.

Clarify the project's scope, specifying what the writer is expected to deliver in terms of topics, word count, research requirements, and additional responsibilities.

Set definitive deadlines for each phase of the project, including initial drafts, revisions, and final submission. Be explicit about the consequences of missed deadlines.

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Establish a transparent and fair payment schedule, deciding if payments will be made per article, per word, or based on an hourly rate. Include milestones for partial payments upon completion of certain tasks.

Incorporate clauses for revisions, specifying how many rounds are included in the agreed fee. Additional revisions can lead to extra costs.

Include a confidentiality clause to ensure all shared information remains private and is only used for the intended purpose.

Address intellectual property rights, stating who owns the content once it's completed and paid for. Typically, all rights transfer to the client upon payment completion.

Specify the process for handling disputes, outlining how disagreements or breaches of contract will be resolved.

Implement all terms into a written contract and have both parties sign it. This formal agreement protects your interests and provides the writer with a clear understanding of their obligations.

By finalizing a solid contract, you lay the groundwork for a successful collaboration with clear expectations and a productive, mutually beneficial partnership.1

  1. Smith J. The Importance of Contracts in Freelance Writing. J Freelance Writing. 2020;5(2):45-50.